Post Contest News!

Hey Guys!

As some of you may know, Smart Schools Program released the shortlisted entries a few days before 2011 came to a close.

Unfortunately, we failed to get shortlisted.


"Although we lost, it isn't the end. I know that it hurts that we put our best effort but failed to

 reach shortlisting. But let's all remember how to Explore, Conquer, and Experience,  
Adventure at its finest!"
- Anessa Tiburon

"Despite our losses, We, the Butuan City SPED Center Doon Po Sa Amin team, entered this contest, not for the prize money, not for the free trip, but to promote our locality to the ends of the Earth. We will, and always will be, promoting Delta Discovery Park. We are SPED's DPSA Team, and WE WILL NOT STOP PROMOTING.

In simple words, we are promoters, not athletes."

- John Michael Piencenaves

"Winning isn't everything. We can learn from our defeats and do better the next time."

-Noreen Domingo

I know this may sound childish, but LOOK! OUR BLOG's LINK! :DD

The winners of the contest has been announced and we are happy for all of them.
In behalf of the whole team, I would like to THANK EVERYONE who supported us!

Even if we lost, the fact that there were actually people who believed in us means A LOT. 




  1. ForeverAlone1/6/12, 6:00 PM

    Now THAT'S what I call sportsmanship.

    Way to go, guys! :)

  2. Hey, I'm thar!!!

  3. Thanks for the support guys! :)
