
The team conducted an educational field trip to Delta Discovery Park on October 22-23, 2011. They tried all the amenities there, starting with the pool on the first day and the aviary, zip-lines, ATVs and Buggys on the second day. The team also stayed there overnight in the dormitory to really experience Delta Park to it's fullest. While in the processes, the team found out that the park had mostly positive reviews and is a favorite hang-out/vacation spot for locals and tourists alike. The team also interviewed the park's owner, Ma'am Leonides Theresa "Daisy" Plaza, to find out more about the team.

Based on the findings of the team, they concluded that:

     -Delta Discovery Park is unique from other parks because of its location, which shows the ecological wealth of Butuan, its buildings and amenities provide a snapshot for people to realize how close Butuan City is with nature, its elevation, which provides a cool haven in the middle of the tropics and its famous 1.3 kilometer zip-line which is the longest in Asia.

     -Delta Park was originally constructed as a wildlife sanctuary for birds, then developments started on the area which came to be known as Bonbon Eco-Park, which was redeveloped, rehabilitated and renamed later as Delta Discovery Park, in honor of the late former mayor Democrito D. Plaza;

     -The 1.3 kilometer zip-line is truly the longest in Asia (according to the team's research), and the zip-line is receiving positive reviews, making it a global tourism hot spot due to its sheer globally competitive length;

     -The park is highly secure, with trained staff that can both assist and secure and security guards guarding the park every second of the day;

     -Leisure time is maximized in the park because of its serenity and peacefulness, also due to its amenities, staff, location and size.

     -Delta Discovery Park maybe the next major attraction in the city, due to many factors such as positive reviews, security, location and elevation, its amenities and, of course, its 1.3 kilometer zip-line, the longest in Asia.


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